Elevating Color with Pivoting and Lowlights: Achieving Depth and Dimension

Pivoting with Lowlights is an advanced variation of the pivoting technique that adds depth and dimension by incorporating lowlights into the color process. It begins by placing highlight foils around a central pivot point to create a natural gradient of lightness, with the areas closest to the pivot receiving the most highlight. Once the highlights are in place, the next step is to use the foils as a guide for applying lowlights. Lowlights are strategically placed underneath each foil, taking a section from the thickest part of the hair left under each foil, ensuring the proper balance of light and dark. This method enhances the overall dimension of the hair color, providing a balanced contrast between light and dark sections. The result is a sophisticated, multi-dimensional effect that adds contrast and depth, perfect for creating a visually striking and well-integrated color.

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